Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)
Sold as: Plug
Tsuga heterophylla can grow very large over time. A mature tree can surpass 100’ in height, and 30’ in width. The trunk can swell to a 4’ diameter.
The lacy appearing foliage consists of soft flattened needles which are bright green when new, turning lustrous dark green as they mature. The needles appear 2- ranked, and are ¼” to ¾” long with rounded tips. When examined from below there are white bands on the underside of the needles. Cones are elliptical, light brown and about an inch in length.
The Western hemlock prefers acidic, cool, moist to wet soils with good drainage. While the best growth may be obtained in full sun, like other hemlocks, the Western hemlocks are quite tolerant of partial to full shade.
Classification: Perennial, conifer
Key Characteristics: Cone
Light Requirements: Full Sun, Prefers partial sun to shade
Water Requirements: Dry to moist soil
Ease of Growing: Easy
Growth Rate: Slow, fast growing conifer
Bloom Time:
Spreads: No
Type of support: Wildlife, riparian
Edible: No
Mature Height: 170 feet
Mature Width: 30-4 feet
Photo Credit: Ashley Smithers